Website and blog

My webmaster has stated that I needed to change a few things and keep my personal blog separate from my professional. So over the next few months you’ll see changes and such on this website/blog.

In my professional website will have a blog for any professional news about my writing meanwhile I will link any news on my personal blog to my professional site.

In the few months to come and hopefully before the end of January 2013, I and my webmaster can finish the changes. he needs my approval on everything. I’m one fussy dude.

A Hectic Few Months

Hectic indeed. Well its been a few months of one trouble to the next. Stories being sent were slow as ever, when you work on an old laptop. My desktop computer had turned its last story a few months ago. The motherboard/main board had a rusty capacitor which would have burst. I was lucky to have noticed the symptoms; like starting to slow down, CMOS setting had issues, the freezing up of software, technical software troubles where an error occurs and some other issues.  The rusty capacitor was very close to the CMOS setting chip. How did I know that, well I opened it up and notice the problem. It confirmed that I needed a new computer. Of course I would not advise you to open the computer’s tower under warranty or even when it is out of warranty unless you know what you are doing. The best advise I can give is send it to a technical expert.

Well its been a busy few months, where emails had some problems on my laptop but I now I think it is fixed – I hope so. Lucky the training I had in the technical and software are of computers has help me.  

Okay some bad news, I thought I had a story in my upcoming anthology which was deem not a good fit. Its okay I can always sell it somewhere else.

And now I like to finish off with a positive note which today I’m not writing for nanowrimo for the day, because I’m in party mood. It’s my birthday and party responsible is how it is going to be.

It going to be a ripper of a day.


Well as you guessed I’m taking some out time this evening to do some post about Nanowrimo. I’m at it again, with the hope that I can do it again like last year writing to 50340 words.

Ha ha I think not. As it is eleven days so far, I started writing on the fifth of November with only 8557 words in six days not much to talk about.

On the Nanowrimo site, I need to write 1970 words the rest of the month. I know that my average of 3000 words per day should get me to the finishing line. I was contemplating not going to do Nanowrimo but I was more frustrated at wiggling my thumbs. So I had a look at what I could do with my late effort and thought well its best to complete the working novel that is on the right sidebar.

Well it was a collection but now it a full fledged novel.

However I hope to still write, after the nineteenth of November because I have family relations from Italy coming to stay for a few weeks. Well I hope to also write at the same time.

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